Life After Windbird, Day 59: A Breath of Fresh Air
Date: Monday, October 10, 2016
Weather: Sunshine, but Cool; Low in the 40’s, High in the 50’s F
Location: At Home in The Studio, Falmouth, MA

Late this afternoon I drove up to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy to hear our state’s senior senator, Elizabeth Warren, speak. What a breath of fresh air in this current political season. This was not a rally for the presidential campaign. It was an instructional presentation on the US economy from Warren’s point of view. She is the most dynamic politician I have ever seen. And she uses her skills as a professor to educate the masses. Her condemnation of trickle-down economics is pretty convincing. But at a time when our presidential race has become such an ugly battle, it is quite reassuring to know that no matter who gets elected, Elizabeth Warren will be in the Senate fighting for all us.
I had a great phone conversation with my very good friend Linda Stuart this afternoon. Linda, and her husband Mike, are my crazy friends that are attempting to bike around the world. They had to fly home from Columbia this summer because they got word that Mike’s mother was dying. Due to their situation and Mark’s failing health, we were not able to get together, but we had a great talk this afternoon. I wish them safe biking as they head back to Columbia to bike on to Equador and Peru.

My challenge today was trying to figure out why I don’t have heat in this apartment. I woke up to 61 degrees inside this morning and threatening sniffles. I decided to turn on the heat, but I got nothing but cold air. Tonight when I got home from the Warren presentation, I sent a text to my next door neighbor asking if she had heat. She doesn’t either, so when Ed, our maintenance person, returns from Boston tomorrow, Kat will ask him to look into this. It is not a major issue yet, but soon enough it will get even colder. It was a sunny day, so by the end of the day the temp in here was 64—still cool—so I am using my Little Buddy propane heater tonight to get the temp up to a more tolerable level for the night. Hopefully my sniffles today were just a reaction to the chill and not a cold coming on. I am hoping to drive up to Portsmouth, New Hampshire tomorrow to have dinner with friends and spend the night with Leslie and Rich Kole. I’ll walk with Leslie on Wednesday morning, visit for a bit, and then head back home. But if I wake up tomorrow morning and still feel like a cold is coming on, I’ll probably have to cancel my plans. If I’m really getting a cold, I surely don’t want to spread the germs.