2021 Life Logs, Day 61: Wind Chill
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Weather: Overcast with Rain; High 31, Low, 24 degrees F (as low as 2 F with wind chill)
Location: At Home in The Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

After I sent my log last night, the north wind started howling. It was so loud that Shadow was barking at the wind. I think ‘barking at the wind’ would make a great book title! And the wind continued through the night and for most of today. But at least it was a bright and sunny day. Unfortunately, that didn’t make it feel any warmer. I could only make it for a half mile walk with Shadow before my ears and fingers were freezing. And, yes, I had on a hat and gloves. Even though the wind has calmed down tonight, the temperature outside right now is 26 degrees F, but it is 15 degrees with the wind chill. Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be a little warmer and then the temp drops again. I will surely be ready for spring when it comes.

At noon, I picked Ollie up from school and went to get Jonah to come here for an early release movie afternoon. Ollie had spent part of his morning at an orthopedic doctor’s office and I heard all about that visit. Heather had already let me know, but Ollie wanted to tell someone about his experience. He said the doctor numbed his knee with an injection that really hurt and then the doctor put in a needle to withdraw the fluid on his left knee. This child complains about little, but he said it hurt so much it made him cry. Afterwards, however, he said his knee felt fine and he went on to school. The fluid was to be tested and later this afternoon the confirmation came that Ollie’s Lyme test was positive. No one knows when the bite happened, and until now, Ollie has had no symptoms. Evidently when there is a delay in treatment, the bacteria from a tick’s saliva that is injected when you are bitten can settle in the joints. For Ollie that joint was his left knee. He will start a month of doxycycline tonight to fight the infection. The doctor told him to ice his knee, so this afternoon as we watched Spider-man: Homecoming, he had that knee propped up with an ice pack much of the time. I enjoyed watching Tom Holland, the young actor (24 years old) that plays Spider-man. I love that he does most of his own stunts—a bit of trivia Jonah passed along to me. Afterwards, we watched part of a documentary called My Octopus Teacher. I have been trying to interest the boys in watching this since I saw it sometime before Christmas. They really enjoyed it. My Octopus Teacher is available on Netflix.

I returned home and wrote for a couple of hours, but I am still in Panama. I will definitely begin the passage to the Galapagos tomorrow. When we left the mainland of Panama, we went to the nearby Las Perlas Islands for a few days. We arrived in the Las Perlas on March 1st of 2006 and anchored off the island of Contadora until March 4th. So, tomorrow when I am writing about that experience, it will have been exactly fifteen years. Thankfully, I have my logs as my memory.