2021 Life Logs, Day 60: Like a Lion
Date: Monday, March 1, 2021
Weather: Overcast with Rain; High 47, Low, 16 Degrees F
Location: At Home in The Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

March has arrived like a lion here on Cape Cod. Supposedly the high temperature today was 47 degrees F, but it surely didn’t feel like it. Right now it is 35 degrees outside but Weather Underground says it feels like 24. It felt like that to me all day. I cut my first walk with Shadow short because it started pouring rain, but I did go back out in the late afternoon when the rain had gone away and finished our walk. The high tomorrow is forecast to be 32 degrees F, but there is going to be a strong northeast wind making it feel much colder. Hopefully when this little stint of cold weather is gone, things will moderate a bit. I’ll look forward to seeing March go out like a lamb.

So, the weather was not good news today. Another ‘not good’ news event was that Ollie had to spend his morning in the pediatrician’s office and then at the hospital getting blood tests and x-rays of his knee. At bedtime last night, Heather discovered that his left knee was quite swollen. He has no pain, the knee is not hot or red, and he says he feels fine. Tomorrow morning, he will meet with a joint specialist, hopefully to go over the results of today’s testing and try to figure out what is happening. Lyme disease and arthritis have been mentioned. He handled the morning like a trooper and was just anxious to get to school. When I picked him up this afternoon, he was upbeat and seemingly untouched by the hospital experience. They gave him a little beanie baby tiger after taking blood and he was very proud of that. I’m anxious to hear what the ortho appointment reveals in the morning. I will pick Ollie up from school at noon tomorrow because it is a district-wide early release day. I think Sam, Robert, Jonah, and Ollie will be coming here for a movie afternoon. We had thought about going to the skatepark, but the 25 mile an hour cold winds makes that sound very uncomfortable.

I did not get out of Panama in my writing today. And realistically, I will not get much writing done tomorrow. So maybe Wednesday I’ll write my way out of Panama and arrive in the Galapagos on Thursday. Then on my birthday on Friday, I will give myself the gift of revisiting one of my favorite places on earth. I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday.