2021 Life Logs, Day 22: Educating Oneself, A Lifelong Commitment
Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
Weather: Mostly Cloudy; High 44, Low 25 Degrees
Location: At Home in The Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

This afternoon, I hopped on my exercise bike and turned on the TV to catch up on the news while I biked. It was announced that Greta Thunberg, the young climate change activist, would be coming up in the next segment, so I was excited about that. I saw her in the interview with the Dali Lama a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to hear what she had to say now that we have a new administration in this country. The interview was great, but she was still ‘selling’ the same message. “Educate yourself about climate change. Educate, educate, educate.” This reminded me that I need to go back and watch the five films on Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops. Here’s the link if you are interested: https://feedbackloopsclimate.com/. And this afternoon Heather reminded me that I need to actually read Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. It is on my coffee table, but it has not been read.

The past eight days, I have been watching a docu-series called the Longevity Roadmap. I do want to summarize what I learned for you, but there was so much information and I need to watch some of the programs again this weekend during the replay. Then I’ll write my summary. I have also been watching a series of short programs each afternoon on winter gardening. It was not the best I’ve seen, but it did get me into sprouting lentils. They will be ready tomorrow to incorporate into a couple of new recipes that were shared, so I’ll let you know how that goes. I’m reading Obama’s autobiography which is a “deeply personal account of history in the making” and this week I have been glued to the TV watching history happening before our eyes. So, for sure, I have been doing my part to continue the lifelong learning process these past two weeks.

Tomorrow I am taking the day off to be with Ollie. Jonah and Sam have an all-day Scouting activity, so Ollie and I are going to do some special things together. One thing we are going to work on is making a nice walking path for me and Shadow in the woods on the street side of the property. This morning at 6:15 am when we went out for his early bathroom break, we almost ran into the neighborhood coyote in the woods on the water side of the property. We were way too close for comfort. I’ve known the coyote was around, but this is the first time that I saw him. He quickly ran away when Shadow barked, but I think I’ll avoid walking on that side late at night and in the very early morning. A new path, free of briars and low hanging branches, is definitely needed!