2018 Life Logs, Day 280—A Day with Heather and Ollie
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2018
Weather: Overcast and Misty; High 70, Low 57 degrees F
Location: At Home in The Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

Jed, Sam, and Jonah are still camping with 5,000 Boy Scouts from all around Massachusetts, so I had a day with Heather and Ollie. Heather’s goal was to get the upstairs bathroom painted, or at least get the primer and one coat of finish paint on. She also wanted to get started on repainting the dining room chairs, so I volunteered for that job. Ollie volunteered to keep us entertained and happy, so this was our plan for today. We had planned to sleep in, but none of us expected that we would all sleep until 9 am. But, in fact, that is what we did! We checked on the fish in the new aquarium, had breakfast, explored my attic to make sure there’s no way for small critters to get in, and then Heather and I watched a short video with Ollie. Afterwards, we set out for Heather’s and got to work. Unfortunately, my job got derailed. Heather’s dining room chairs are each painted a different bright color, and I was to lightly sand them and do a coat of spray paint to freshen them up. But the weather didn’t cooperate. It was supposed to be partly sunny and warm today. It was warm, but it was totally overcast and misty. I got two chairs sanded and then had to abandon that job for today. Instead, I was the support person. I did laundry, fixed lunch, and played some games with Ollie. Then late in the afternoon, I headed home to fix dinner for us while Heather did the last coat of paint on the bathroom ceiling. This bathroom has been torn apart for over a year and a half, so it is very exciting to see that it is finally coming back together. Heather and Ollie came over for dinner and Heather and I watched a movie with Ollie while we ate. They are spending the night again and I love having the company.