2018 Life Logs, Day 268—Tour of the A.D. Makepeace Cranberry Bogs
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Weather: Overcast, Windy, and Warming; High 68, Low 67 degrees F
Location: At Home in the Cottage, East Falmouth, MA

Cranberry bogs are a common site here on Cape Cod, but today I traveled a few miles north of the Cape with a Newcomers group to tour bogs that are a part of the largest cranberry growing operation in the world. A.D. Makepeace Cranberry Company has 2,000 acres of bogs. That more than three square miles. That makes the company not only the world’s largest cranberry grower but also the largest private property owner in eastern Massachusetts. Makepeace is not new to the business. They have been growing cranberries since the 1800’s, but as was pointed out today, cranberries were here before people. They grew around the edges of kettle ponds that were formed by retreating glaciers over 15,000 years ago. Not sure how long cranberries have been here, but it was very special today to learn more about this special plant. It was also interesting to learn how our progressively more intense weather events are affecting crop production. And it was also very interesting to see that the way they harvest the berries is different from the methods I have observed here on the Cape. I had so many questions, but left the tour early to head back to Falmouth to pick Ollie up at the end of the Early Release Day. Heather stayed home with Jonah this morning and I took over this afternoon. Jonah’s a bit better, but is going stir crazy and will hopefully be able to go back to school tomorrow.