2017 Life Logs, Day 108: Back on Windbird in the Bahamas
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, Light Rain; High Temp 78 degrees F, Low 73
Location: At Anchor in George Town, Bahamas on Windbird

Tonight I am back on Windbird in the Bahamas and it is almost as if I never left her. I feel like I am home. Part of that is because Windbird was my home for so many years, but I think it is mostly because Sam and Dawn are so absolutely welcoming. They have had lots of guests during their first three months of cruising on Windbird and it is the little things they do that I imagine make all of their guests feel right at home. They had a Windbird t-shirt waiting for me on the bed and they had Amstel Light in the fridge for me (my favorite beer) that they had thought ahead to buy in Florida where it was available and certainly cheaper than any beer here. Little things mean a lot.

My flight landed in George Town at 12:30 pm and shortly after 1 o’clock I was in town and waiting for Sam to pick me up at the dinghy dock. We took my luggage out to the boat and then sat in main saloon and visited for a bit. It was raining lightly outside, but as soon as it ended, Sam and I headed back into town to go to the store. Unfortunately, the fresh veggies on Dawn’s list had not yet been unpacked, so I bought decaf coffee, almond milk, and more beer from the liquor next door. Sam and Dawn had moved Windbird close to town to avoid a wet dinghy ride with luggage, but when we returned from our shopping trip, they moved the boat back across to a better anchorage off Stocking Island. Rick and Robyn of Endangered Species came over for Happy Hour and it was truly wonderful to see them and catch up on what they have been doing since I last saw them in 2007. When they left, Sam and Dawn took me for a dinghy ride to introduce me to the area and when we returned Dawn magically produced a delicious fish taco dinner. It was a full day, but we continued to do some travel and meal planning for the time I am here. We will stay here tomorrow and on Thursday we will head north to Black Point.